Friday, September 4, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
My face is gonna regret this handful of peanuts in the morn.
Okay, well. I can't say I've been extremely busy this summer. Not extremely busy enough to put off blogging anyways. I won't make excuses, it's just sheer laziness that's kept me from typing outside of IM-ing. I haven't even finished my cover letter to Opus (which I started at the beginning of August) I would say that I'm quite intimidated by this amazing art supply store and want to make a good impression, thereby taking my sweet time to craft the letter perfectly, but that would be a lie. Semi-lie, but most definitely not the root of the cause.
Anyways, that paragraph made me sound like such a pompous ass. So what did I do this summer... Volunteer at Burnaby art gallery, paint a mural for the 2009 World Police Games and.... mooch around wasting my life away. :)
I've really only finished 2 small pieces for my portfolio, but I guess I got a good chunk of my photo portfolio finished. Playing around with a new digital camera I bought of a friend. (: Practically a steal.
Besides the physical happenings of my summer, I've been pretty happy these past two months! I'm really proud of myself for being so happy hahahaha. Everything is basically going as planned. Except where things meet at cross-roads with my mother, but that's a whole nother battle.
No summer romances, but I sure as hell ain't complaining. ;)
Speak soon.
Anyways, that paragraph made me sound like such a pompous ass. So what did I do this summer... Volunteer at Burnaby art gallery, paint a mural for the 2009 World Police Games and.... mooch around wasting my life away. :)
I've really only finished 2 small pieces for my portfolio, but I guess I got a good chunk of my photo portfolio finished. Playing around with a new digital camera I bought of a friend. (: Practically a steal.
Besides the physical happenings of my summer, I've been pretty happy these past two months! I'm really proud of myself for being so happy hahahaha. Everything is basically going as planned. Except where things meet at cross-roads with my mother, but that's a whole nother battle.
No summer romances, but I sure as hell ain't complaining. ;)
Speak soon.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Heat makes me so sleepy. I capitalize Heat because it seems to have a destructive, cruel mind of it's own.
Speak soon when I'm not sweating my heart and soul out.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Watching a Thunderstorm
Waiting and watching a thunderstorm. Watching and waiting to capture the exact moment the lightening striked under pouring rain. It's so indescribable. Pure fun at it's simplest form. The thunderclouds were right overhead while I was taking photos.
Speak Soon.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Today I Saw a Mexican Get Arrested
I still think the bus driver was rather racist... The Mexican man had every right to be angry and swear at the driver (who sounded British) but maybe the Mexican guy DID try and sneak in through the back door? But when he got on the bus, he did pay the bus fare. The driver didn't need to call for Translink security. Even after he did, he didn't have to call for more after the Mexican dude was finished ranting his anger at him, "fucking faggit. motherfuck'n racist bastard... fucking faggit. Why don't you go back to where you fuckin came from, fuckin' faggot... I bet if I was white this wouldn'tve happend fucken racist... I'll sit here and wait for the fucken security, fuckin racist asshole..." And so forth. Sigh.

Who's to blame? Nobody knows. But they really didn't need 5 security + police cars to show up for one mexican dude.
Other than that, it was a pretty good day :) Lots of art. Lots of Gastown and discovery (excuse the cheese)
End Rant.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Hey Baby, Can You Bleed Like Me
I was doing some thinking on the bus today.
Do we hurt ourselves because we are afraid that others will be the ones to harm us?
We cut ourselves, attempt suicide, commit suicide, abuse alcohol and drugs, wallow in self-pity - all in attempt to mask these fears. We keep our mind distracted, busy with self-incflicted pain to keep our mind from reaching the ultimately universal truth:
We are terrified of others toppling our walls, touching a nerve, cracking our shells, breaking our hearts.
Then, I decided to give humankind more credit. We aren't all cowards who run from reality.
Do we hurt ourselves make ourselves feel better? Is it because we need the assurance that someone out there still cares?
We feel lonely in our rooms in the middle of the night, with only our thoughts. Do we do these foolish things to get attention? To be noticed? To feel reassured that somebody cares and worries about you. It's kind of selfish, but I know it happens.
Do we hurt ourselves because we fear change?
We purposely stumble and scrape our knees - buying us time to 'nurse our wounds' and enlongating our stay in the same place. Not wanting to move foward, into the unknown. A social excuse to not deal with our problems and reality. Do we believe that, if things don't change - if things stay the same, we will be happier? Familiartiy breeds comfort. Comfort is security. Is security love, though?
When I was home, I came to the conclusion that we are born to be afraid. We are scared of being hurt. So, we injure ourselves to know what it feels like - hoping if the time comes - it'd only hurt so much, and we'd be used to it.
It's never the same - because you don't see it coming. That's what's most painful.
Tell me, are you afraid?

Enough of that. I was just thinking.
End Rant.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Some funny stuff. :)
Workin' away on some work for my mother.
Speak soon lovely.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Catherine and Christie
ECU Artist: Catherine
Other student artist: Christie from Cariboo Hill
:) it's going good. I'll upload pics of our work in progress soon. :)
Speak soon.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Find Your Way Home
Oyyyyyy I start work tommorrow. Uber nervous. :S
Well, I had a plan:
*I was planning on throwing out/moving/selling my bed to make my usable room space twice as large. I'd sleep on some sort of mat I could easily roll up and tuck away in my closet. Then I'd have an easel and other drawers set up so I can work on my art peacefully in my own room until the break of dawn if need be. Unfortunately, my mother does not agree. End of Story.
Le Sigh
End Rant.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
So I Took Off on My Bicycle.
Hmmm so I got the job at the Burnaby Arts Council, I'll be working 9-5pm Mon to Fri. Until the 24th of July. :\ I don't know how good the pay is, but I can only expect minimum wage. (Because, after all, artists are quite poor) But I don't mind, I just hope the weather clears up by then :) I'm slightly nervous because my painting skills are quite poor... I hope its nothing too complicated! And I need to find more stude
nts to teach piano to - such good pay. I'm getting paid $15/hour for one 10 year-old student on Saturdays :) Exciting world of work haha.
Anywhos, I should really clean up my damn room. So messy! Laters.
The only piece I finished over the summer ... :( Fail!
End Rant.
Monday, July 6, 2009
I Kinda Love the Smell of Ammonia
I kinda love the smell of ammonia.
Anyways, I went to the pool today after painting with Peter for most of the day.
I accidentally split one of my toenails pushing off the side of the pool D: Hurts like a bitch when I tap it by accident.
I'm so stuck on my painting it's ridiculous. And I want to watch UP so badly. :(
Yesterday at Siena's BBQ :) Yummm.

P.S. I changed my mind, Megan Fox is quite the hot stuff.
End Rant.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Heads Will Roll
"im afraid that when you go to your asian country you're going to come back with chopsticks in your hair and you won't like me anymore."
:) Doesn't that just put a smile on your face? However racist it may be, it's pretty damn cute.
Anywhos, busy week coming up, and I finally found a bloody a job teaching kids piano on the weekends yay! Go Emily! And I slept until 11 today D: What a waste of time. I should go to bed earlier. But I did get some sketches done for council shirts next year :) Hurrah!
I need to work more on my art. By the by, Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood is fucken amazing. Guuuhhhh, that woman is a genius.
And I do so wonder when I'll be let off house arrest.
End Rant.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Ah oui, Comme ça
Speak soon while I mourn.
Wow my hair was so long back in March D:
End Rant.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Day out?
I kinda love painting in an uncrowded room.
Only myself and Peter in 310! :)
So relaxing. Just myself with a huge stretch of canvas, bottles and canisters of paint, multitudes of brushes, colours, the distinct smell of gesso and acrylics, and the desire to make something mind-bending. Mmmmmmmmmm. :)
I'm going to try and learn how to paint well.
"I love my mom's boyfriend, but I hate how I'm the only slanty-eyed teenager here."
^The text message I accidentally sent to my mom's boyfriend - it was meant for my own friend.. :( So fail.
I finished Sophocles' Three Theban Plays, my lord, they're so good!
I'm gonna go shower,
Speak soon.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I'm Very Fond of Tea
Happy Canada Day! or as my clever friend said... Happy Canada D(eh)! Har har har
Anyways, finally let out of the house today - multicultural family dinner over at Rory's mum's place. We were the only Chinese people out of half-african-american folk and mostly caucasian people. :P
It was slightly boring.... I played with their dog, Bella, more than anything really.
That's about it.
And this machine,
it's fed up with beating.
End Rant.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Wo Bu Zhi Dao
Sharks, sharks -
Sharks in my head.Sharks in my head.
Sharks in my head.
And this machine -
tied up from beating.
Sharks in my head.
Sharks in my head.
Sharks in my head.
Sharks, Sharks -
Sharks don't say they miss me.
It's not meant to be.
No air to breathe, it's no longer stainless,
just save the nice words for later
when I'm waiting patiently enough for timelessness.
How? These sharks in my head.
I'm breaking lots of my bowls now,
when you tell me you miss me -
I set you free.
Sharks in my head.
The air you breathe,
it's no longer stainless from me.
There'll be no doubt -
except for me -
'cause I was shot down by stupid.
You'll help us feel so in control.
And this machine,
it is tied up with beating -
Why did no one tell me?
Sharks in my head.
What the hell am I talking about?
End Rant.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
You're just a kid in the head.
I can't handle your kind of attention-getting immaturity right now.
You are too unsure of yourself, too lacking in confidence for me.
I'm too much of a nice gal to say it to your face. My sincerest apologies.
Please move on.

Walk it off.
End Rant.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Dirty Potatoes
To hell with good intentions. I'm tired of scrubbing dirty potatoes. Everything feels numb and achy when you try for too long under cold water. You can try and shake the feeling back into your hands, but the numbness returns, no? You can't stop - you know you have to finish the pile building up next to the sink. If you neglect this duty placed upon you, what are you left with...? A whole stinking pile of dirty, muddy potatoes. Inedible, bound to sprout and turn poisonous. I need a hot bath break.

Aye, potatoes are a metaphor. Genius.
End Rant.
Aye, potatoes are a metaphor. Genius.
End Rant.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Oy Vey
So, today on the way home, I took the 3:30 bus. I carried my big portfolio case on... (stupid move I know! But I'm glad I decided to leave my art supplies box in my locker) and there was barely any space in the bus left in the first place, so I was squished near the front.
Ignoring the fact that it was boiling hot and gross-smelling in the bus from all the sweat, I got side-swiped by this old chinese man getting off and he ran over my foot with his miniature pully-luggage-case-thingy; bumped, pushed, shoved and backhanded by Koreans at least 5 times. May I add, without due apologies. Grr.
When I got off the bus, I saw the 136 Lougheed pulling up to my stop, I was late for my transfer bus - so I had to run and make a dash for it, so I blindly and stupidly ran across the street through a red light without really looking, almost got hit by this (thank god) slow silver civic, and whilst running across the street, I forgot my sunglasses were tucked and hanging from the front of my shirt, so it decided to fall off and onto the street, I was pissed and surprised so I kicked it farther up the street and picked it up near the curb (or I would've been bulldozed by cars). Smart thinkin'. Whew. All that for a fucken bus ride. I should have just waited for my mom to give me a ride at 4:00. But at least I'm alive. I'm glad, are you? :P

Sunny days just enhance the beauty in everything. :)
End Rant.
Ignoring the fact that it was boiling hot and gross-smelling in the bus from all the sweat, I got side-swiped by this old chinese man getting off and he ran over my foot with his miniature pully-luggage-case-thingy; bumped, pushed, shoved and backhanded by Koreans at least 5 times. May I add, without due apologies. Grr.
When I got off the bus, I saw the 136 Lougheed pulling up to my stop, I was late for my transfer bus - so I had to run and make a dash for it, so I blindly and stupidly ran across the street through a red light without really looking, almost got hit by this (thank god) slow silver civic, and whilst running across the street, I forgot my sunglasses were tucked and hanging from the front of my shirt, so it decided to fall off and onto the street, I was pissed and surprised so I kicked it farther up the street and picked it up near the curb (or I would've been bulldozed by cars). Smart thinkin'. Whew. All that for a fucken bus ride. I should have just waited for my mom to give me a ride at 4:00. But at least I'm alive. I'm glad, are you? :P

Sunny days just enhance the beauty in everything. :)
End Rant.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I'm finished my AP EXAMMM. I know. it's just psych,. Fuck you, it was hard to study for.
Anyways. I feel like I have a lot I can do now! I even had the energy to lcean up the garden, and I am currently trying to clean up the living room which was basically my studying station for the past week.
BAG work exp is over now too. Man that was some fun shit.
anyways! back to some spring cleaning :)

End Rant.
I'm finished my AP EXAMMM. I know. it's just psych,. Fuck you, it was hard to study for.
Anyways. I feel like I have a lot I can do now! I even had the energy to lcean up the garden, and I am currently trying to clean up the living room which was basically my studying station for the past week.
BAG work exp is over now too. Man that was some fun shit.
anyways! back to some spring cleaning :)
End Rant.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Heartless to be Strong
About time I made a post.
Audrey Kawasaki, Loveariel, Alex Pardee..... My bloody inspiration. I`m so glad I stumbled upon these absolutely amazing, awe-inspiring artists. They make me want to work BIG. BIG AND BOLD. And totally explore the everyday juxtapositions and contradictions in life. Man. I love it. After AP`S, I`m going to start on a big one. BIG one. :) And hopefully I can sell off all my posters soon. 15 left.
Back to studying for psych.... 4 or 5 here I come!

End Rant.
Audrey Kawasaki, Loveariel, Alex Pardee..... My bloody inspiration. I`m so glad I stumbled upon these absolutely amazing, awe-inspiring artists. They make me want to work BIG. BIG AND BOLD. And totally explore the everyday juxtapositions and contradictions in life. Man. I love it. After AP`S, I`m going to start on a big one. BIG one. :) And hopefully I can sell off all my posters soon. 15 left.
Back to studying for psych.... 4 or 5 here I come!
End Rant.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Thorns always stay.
Hi ho,
I guess I gave up that posting each day. I guess you do get tired of it once in a while. Don't want to be reminded of all the crap that happens each day :P
Went to "dream street" in westwood plateau today to visit my mom's friend. Rich ass bunch. Smart ass kids. Goddamn. Amazing house. Stunning interior.

Thorns never die. They'll always, always stay.
End Rant.
I guess I gave up that posting each day. I guess you do get tired of it once in a while. Don't want to be reminded of all the crap that happens each day :P
Went to "dream street" in westwood plateau today to visit my mom's friend. Rich ass bunch. Smart ass kids. Goddamn. Amazing house. Stunning interior.
Thorns never die. They'll always, always stay.
End Rant.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Putting Snakes in Baskets
Ahh long time no see.
Well, it's been hectic since spring break: AI work experience downtown, catching up from homework I missed all week, then Burnaby Art Gallery work experience, and catching up from homework I missed from THAT. Then, on top of that, golf season kicking in, so I spend at least 5 hours a week on that, Literature portfolio due by the end of April, my monthly art project due by the end of April as well, my brother's theory exam that I'm responsible for him passing in, trying to jam in an hour of piano time each day (which really isn't happening), worrying and debating about Columbia's summer NYC art program (which will DEFINITELY NOT HAPPEN because I can't fucking muster up 4 grand for that awesome shit. Which makes me so depressed.) and then piled onto that huge heap of stressful-ness: my parents finally filing a long overdue divorce - in which I must be the messenger between the bickering two. DEEP SIGH. DEEP FUCKEN SIGH.
I actually can't wait until the Easter long weekend, which I will catch up on more sleep, but STILL WORK ON THAT DAM JAPANESE PROJECT. GODFUCKINGDAMN.
That makes me feel better. Thanks Blogspot. :)

End Rant.
Well, it's been hectic since spring break: AI work experience downtown, catching up from homework I missed all week, then Burnaby Art Gallery work experience, and catching up from homework I missed from THAT. Then, on top of that, golf season kicking in, so I spend at least 5 hours a week on that, Literature portfolio due by the end of April, my monthly art project due by the end of April as well, my brother's theory exam that I'm responsible for him passing in, trying to jam in an hour of piano time each day (which really isn't happening), worrying and debating about Columbia's summer NYC art program (which will DEFINITELY NOT HAPPEN because I can't fucking muster up 4 grand for that awesome shit. Which makes me so depressed.) and then piled onto that huge heap of stressful-ness: my parents finally filing a long overdue divorce - in which I must be the messenger between the bickering two. DEEP SIGH. DEEP FUCKEN SIGH.
I actually can't wait until the Easter long weekend, which I will catch up on more sleep, but STILL WORK ON THAT DAM JAPANESE PROJECT. GODFUCKINGDAMN.
That makes me feel better. Thanks Blogspot. :)
End Rant.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Oregon :)
I miss the seaside already!
All I did there was golf, shop, eat and sleep. :)
The first day, man 8 hour drive starting at 5:30 a.m. ... We stop at Denny's half way through for a quick breakfast. Scary. Denn'ys is a scary place mang. Quite a few big, black folks eating there. Nothing is small in Oregon, I'm sorry. It's freaky. I lost my appetite almost immediately. :( Haha, but we were the only asians with one white guy in the entire restaurant and all the black folks were staring at us :P Muahahahaha. I loaded up on Tabasco with my breakfast salad in attempts to a) Wake e up, b)Induce a pounding headache that will allow me to sleep for the rest of the ride. Option b) occured.
Legs were so wobbly after the longass car ride. The longer I sat in that tiny little blue Corolla, the more pancake-like my ass felt.
Anyways, we're really lucky our hotel view is FUCKING GORGEOUS. Not to mention an awesome and breathtaking sunset view!!!!! I love the ocean.

Yepp, and I got a room all to myself because my brother wanted to sleep on the pull-out sofa for some reason :P
I bought a bunch of shirts at an outlet and a super nice windbreak for only 10 dollars! :D Hurrayyy and NO TAX. Even more HURRAY.
I was watching TV one day, and apparently, Australia has these "meter maids" Hot chicks that go around feeding parking meters to save people from getting parking tickets..... Oh la la. ;)
Anyways! Lots of golf, I got a glove tan unfortunately... We went to this seafood restaurant at least 5 times during our stay, called Mo's. IT'S EPIC. SO EPIC.

So fucking delicious. I must take my friends there one day! :)
I developed this incessant need to eat salad every single meal. I have no idea why, But I deduce it's the large obese population that I see everyday that stirs this urge in me.
I'm gonna mis the hotel rec room too: pool table, ping pong table, indoor/outdoor pool, jacuzzi. Damn. It started to hail one time when we were in the jacuzzi, kinda hurt when my brother and I were running back inside hahahahha. Good times.
Oh Oregon, I'll miss you so muchachos! Maybe next time I'll go back in the summer :) Perhaps, with more company. Hurrah!
Now, I must try and teach myself HTML + CSS for work experience over at AI starting Monday. I stil won't see you folks at school until Friday!! D:
That's all for now. I miss a lot of you guys. And sorry I didn't get you any souveniers... I was a little selfish regarding the cash flow :P I mean, I did buy something from Coach.... Har har har.

End Rant.
All I did there was golf, shop, eat and sleep. :)
The first day, man 8 hour drive starting at 5:30 a.m. ... We stop at Denny's half way through for a quick breakfast. Scary. Denn'ys is a scary place mang. Quite a few big, black folks eating there. Nothing is small in Oregon, I'm sorry. It's freaky. I lost my appetite almost immediately. :( Haha, but we were the only asians with one white guy in the entire restaurant and all the black folks were staring at us :P Muahahahaha. I loaded up on Tabasco with my breakfast salad in attempts to a) Wake e up, b)Induce a pounding headache that will allow me to sleep for the rest of the ride. Option b) occured.
Legs were so wobbly after the longass car ride. The longer I sat in that tiny little blue Corolla, the more pancake-like my ass felt.
Anyways, we're really lucky our hotel view is FUCKING GORGEOUS. Not to mention an awesome and breathtaking sunset view!!!!! I love the ocean.
I bought a bunch of shirts at an outlet and a super nice windbreak for only 10 dollars! :D Hurrayyy and NO TAX. Even more HURRAY.
I was watching TV one day, and apparently, Australia has these "meter maids" Hot chicks that go around feeding parking meters to save people from getting parking tickets..... Oh la la. ;)
Anyways! Lots of golf, I got a glove tan unfortunately... We went to this seafood restaurant at least 5 times during our stay, called Mo's. IT'S EPIC. SO EPIC.
So fucking delicious. I must take my friends there one day! :)
I developed this incessant need to eat salad every single meal. I have no idea why, But I deduce it's the large obese population that I see everyday that stirs this urge in me.
I'm gonna mis the hotel rec room too: pool table, ping pong table, indoor/outdoor pool, jacuzzi. Damn. It started to hail one time when we were in the jacuzzi, kinda hurt when my brother and I were running back inside hahahahha. Good times.
Oh Oregon, I'll miss you so muchachos! Maybe next time I'll go back in the summer :) Perhaps, with more company. Hurrah!
Now, I must try and teach myself HTML + CSS for work experience over at AI starting Monday. I stil won't see you folks at school until Friday!! D:
That's all for now. I miss a lot of you guys. And sorry I didn't get you any souveniers... I was a little selfish regarding the cash flow :P I mean, I did buy something from Coach.... Har har har.
End Rant.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Almost fucking there
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Mustard Pimp
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Put that Ass Up
I'm in Miami Bitch!
No, I'm not, it's actually a song by LMFAO. It is very catchy and I like it a lot. :)
So I finished Phuong's shirt. I guess I have to do Bianca's since she's a paying customer :P For now, my custom shirts are going to be under the brand "Check'EmOut" I am very uncreative I know, I just wanted EM to be in there har har har.
Off to work I go! This is gonna be epic.

Complete with packaging and personalized sticker! :)
End Rant.
No, I'm not, it's actually a song by LMFAO. It is very catchy and I like it a lot. :)
So I finished Phuong's shirt. I guess I have to do Bianca's since she's a paying customer :P For now, my custom shirts are going to be under the brand "Check'EmOut" I am very uncreative I know, I just wanted EM to be in there har har har.
Off to work I go! This is gonna be epic.

Complete with packaging and personalized sticker! :)
End Rant.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Almost felt like Streaking
Today we went to the VanArtGallery for the Abstraction exhibition "How Soon is Now". It was really thought-provoking, idea-inspiring and at times a little dull. :P I wish we could've stayed slightly longer to take in the whole exhibit and finish watching this rather racy video. Very very good stuff indeed! :)
Lunch was rather interesting.
After lunch, we went to do a little craft making, and we ended up making these "hats"... Which we decided would try and attract attention towards the deinvidualization and depersonalization of our changing society. Some business lady and her coworkers asked me if I was supposed to be a boat. Quite hilarious. :P We bumped into Zoe Micelli on the bus home! She asked if I was a castle and if Fiona was the princess. Man. Priceless.
I'm glad many people had different reactions and interpretation of our "public performance". Some gave us the "wtf look", others would cheer and honk for us, some would take sneaky pictures of us on their iPhones while in their cars, and some would just ask straight up "HAHAHA-what's the hat for? HAHAHA". It was an indescribable experience. Never have I felt so courageous and liberated! It's an odd feeling, making a statement and having people notice it. A borderline hazardous feeling, I believe.
But I absolutely loved it.
And I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! If you hear anything about some public disturbance or psychos downtown (possibly cackling potheads) that might be us. We might even end up in the May school newspaper... Oh god. I'm sure our pictures will circulate for a few days on blogs and sporadically through online messaging, I'm sure we turned a few heads and our story was told to families + friends. Har har har, or at least I'd like to think so.

No, we are not associated in any way, shape or form with the KKK or any illegal substances.
You lookin' kinda cute. I love downtown.
End Rant.
Lunch was rather interesting.
After lunch, we went to do a little craft making, and we ended up making these "hats"... Which we decided would try and attract attention towards the deinvidualization and depersonalization of our changing society. Some business lady and her coworkers asked me if I was supposed to be a boat. Quite hilarious. :P We bumped into Zoe Micelli on the bus home! She asked if I was a castle and if Fiona was the princess. Man. Priceless.
I'm glad many people had different reactions and interpretation of our "public performance". Some gave us the "wtf look", others would cheer and honk for us, some would take sneaky pictures of us on their iPhones while in their cars, and some would just ask straight up "HAHAHA-what's the hat for? HAHAHA". It was an indescribable experience. Never have I felt so courageous and liberated! It's an odd feeling, making a statement and having people notice it. A borderline hazardous feeling, I believe.
But I absolutely loved it.
And I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! If you hear anything about some public disturbance or psychos downtown (possibly cackling potheads) that might be us. We might even end up in the May school newspaper... Oh god. I'm sure our pictures will circulate for a few days on blogs and sporadically through online messaging, I'm sure we turned a few heads and our story was told to families + friends. Har har har, or at least I'd like to think so.
No, we are not associated in any way, shape or form with the KKK or any illegal substances.
You lookin' kinda cute. I love downtown.
End Rant.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Hey Stripper
I'm going to go to bed in 10 minutes.
I've been feeling so utterly exhausted from lack of sleep.
Anyways, I'm glad I'm organizing my time better now, I just have to cut back on distractions and distracting thoughts.
I'm developing this really weird throbbing under my eyes at night...
Definitely need more snoozing.
Yay I get to skip a whole day of school for the Van art gallery's abstraction show! :)
Gonna take a bunch of cool/geeky pictures of my adventure? Possibly.
We definitely need 30 hour days. My head feels so weighted down with the weight of sleep but I must finish fucken Japanese skit..... This projecting is irritating me more than it should. I was excited when it was first proposed. Irked.
Anyways, I believe I am not making much sense anymore. Must recharge. Goodnight lovely.

My work is getting too materialistic and wordly. This is ridiculous.
End Rant.
I've been feeling so utterly exhausted from lack of sleep.
Anyways, I'm glad I'm organizing my time better now, I just have to cut back on distractions and distracting thoughts.
I'm developing this really weird throbbing under my eyes at night...
Definitely need more snoozing.
Yay I get to skip a whole day of school for the Van art gallery's abstraction show! :)
Gonna take a bunch of cool/geeky pictures of my adventure? Possibly.
We definitely need 30 hour days. My head feels so weighted down with the weight of sleep but I must finish fucken Japanese skit..... This projecting is irritating me more than it should. I was excited when it was first proposed. Irked.
Anyways, I believe I am not making much sense anymore. Must recharge. Goodnight lovely.
My work is getting too materialistic and wordly. This is ridiculous.
End Rant.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
One of the most odd and amazing hand-drawn animations I've seen in a long long time.
of Montreal - Id Engager from Polyvinyl Record Co. on Vimeo.
I'll update later. Time for more intense homeworking.
End Rant
of Montreal - Id Engager from Polyvinyl Record Co. on Vimeo.
I'll update later. Time for more intense homeworking.
End Rant
Monday, March 2, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
I Want to Melt
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Mystery of the Missing Textbook
Where art thou, my Textbook of Mathematical Magic?
Unfortunately, I am afraid to inform you that I do not miss you so,
but only grieve your absence
for the looming $50 fee I must inevitably pay
to replace your lost ass.
Anyways, enough of nerddom.
I got so much work done today!
Study for Psych test,
Study for Lit test,
Japanese Project!
I did a lot while listening to The Kills. Yeayuhh. :)
Man, my desk is such a mess, my room is tiny, and I have no space for all my art stuff. I need a job. QQ! QQ! QQ! Bahahaha.
Back to work for me!

I remember physics... Good ol' times. :D
End Rant.
Unfortunately, I am afraid to inform you that I do not miss you so,
but only grieve your absence
for the looming $50 fee I must inevitably pay
to replace your lost ass.
Anyways, enough of nerddom.
I got so much work done today!
Study for Psych test,
Study for Lit test,
Japanese Project!
I did a lot while listening to The Kills. Yeayuhh. :)
Man, my desk is such a mess, my room is tiny, and I have no space for all my art stuff. I need a job. QQ! QQ! QQ! Bahahaha.
Back to work for me!

I remember physics... Good ol' times. :D
End Rant.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Yay I figured out how to post my buddy the Ninja who is head of the music department here.... Man I'm lame. But I hope you enjoy a few of my favorite songs :D I'm going to go do homework then find a gas mask so I won't catch the cold that everybody living in my house has acquired... -__-

Calm calm calm... Feel the Zen... Center your chi.... Sigh. Stressing out at the end of the month, aiya indeed.
End Rant
Calm calm calm... Feel the Zen... Center your chi.... Sigh. Stressing out at the end of the month, aiya indeed.
End Rant
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Inbetween Places
Yawn, rather uneventful, chillaxed day with Alison for the afternoon.
Then just sitting in front of the laptop talking about chatting about random shite :P
Anyways, I should go to bed early, my skin is a lot less blemished this weekend because I've been getting enough sleep. Hurrah!

Hoohah! Work in progress...!
End Rant.
Then just sitting in front of the laptop talking about chatting about random shite :P
Anyways, I should go to bed early, my skin is a lot less blemished this weekend because I've been getting enough sleep. Hurrah!

Hoohah! Work in progress...!
End Rant.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Je vous permettrez jouer avec ma tête
Rage! by Chromeo.
You always told me you wanted something more,
I couldn't give you what you were looking for.
Is that a reason to stab me in the back?
Now tell me baby what you think about that.
Is it revenge? Is it a sin?
Is that the way you treat your mother-fucking friend?
I'm just saying, I do no wrong,
I just felt like writing this song.
Rage! You got me in a state of rage.
I've been acting kind of strange!
I don't know how to behave.
Rage! You got me in a state of rage.
I've been acting kind of strange!
I don't know how to behave.
You say you're sorry, you say that you still care,
Deep down you're mad, you think I did my share.
If so, we're fair, you put the blame on me,
You made a mistake, now surely can't you see?
Are you just selfish, or do you wanna be free?
You have your ways and I can't tell you how to be.
You have your morals, and you know what's right from wrong,
I just hope you hear the lyrics to this song.
Rage! You got me in a state of rage.
I've been acting kind of strange!
I don't know how to behave.
Rage! You got me in a state of rage.
I've been acting kind of strange!
I don't know how to behave.
Is it you, is it me? Is it worth the agony?
What do I do when I wake up but face reality?
Another friend, tell me when this is gonna end,
I can't go through another day thinking that we could fade away.
You always told me you wanted something more,
I couldn't give you what you were looking for.
Is that a reason to stab me in the back?
Now tell me baby what you think about that.
Is it revenge? Is it a sin?
Is that the way you treat your mother-fucking friend?
I'm just saying, I do no wrong,
I just felt like writing this song.
Rage! You got me in a state of rage.
I've been acting kind of strange!
I don't know how to behave.
Rage! You got me in a state of rage.
I've been acting kind of strange!
I don't know how to behave.
That's exactly how I feel.
End Rant.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Haywire Adventure
Today went rather well! Even though we didn't get to go to one store we REALLY wanted to (and waste a good half hour waiting for the bus - and considering out options) Anyways, we plan on going there some other day for sure! :) We spent a lot of time walking around and feeling lost..... But at least we know what to do next time har har har.
I had work experience at the Burnaby Art Gallery prior to that, we went down to their storage areas "The Vault". I saw a genuine Picasso!! Exciting :D And a Sybil Andrews work, hurrah!
And even before that in the morning, I had brunch with Siena and Jen :) We made scrambled eggs, salad, sourdough english muffins and grapefruit. Delicious-ness. Muahahha. We spent the morning watching Paris Hilton's New BFF show.... two episodes back to back, so very sad, but we were laughing at these blonde, obsessive bimbos/idiots making themselves sound so desperate to be Paris' new "BFF" TTYN. like wtf? And stuff like "PARISTEXT..INCOMING" Christ. Makes me so angry.
Anywhos! That's about it for now, gotta go work on my japanese project now, ugh.
Random tape-thing.
End Rant.
I had work experience at the Burnaby Art Gallery prior to that, we went down to their storage areas "The Vault". I saw a genuine Picasso!! Exciting :D And a Sybil Andrews work, hurrah!
And even before that in the morning, I had brunch with Siena and Jen :) We made scrambled eggs, salad, sourdough english muffins and grapefruit. Delicious-ness. Muahahha. We spent the morning watching Paris Hilton's New BFF show.... two episodes back to back, so very sad, but we were laughing at these blonde, obsessive bimbos/idiots making themselves sound so desperate to be Paris' new "BFF" TTYN. like wtf? And stuff like "PARISTEXT..INCOMING" Christ. Makes me so angry.
Anywhos! That's about it for now, gotta go work on my japanese project now, ugh.

End Rant.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Beatmasters - Acid Burn
Okay well I'm quite excited for tomorrow, this huge, awesome, hopefully-wont-go-wrong shopping adventure :D. I should be working on the three projects that are looming behind me, due next week, aiya. But I am going to suck it up and work my ass off Saturday and Sunday because I am sure I'll be supremely worn out on Friday from all the fun bahahaha.
Anywhos, the weather's been great lately which puts a smile on my face by itself. And I've also been drinking a lot of water lately at night - which is good, but also unfortunate because I have to get up in the middle of the night to make a trip to the washroom. Oh wells.
I wish I still hung out with other people more. I miss our little group from grade 8. :| But whats the point reminiscing yah? Sad as it is, it's just how things are - unless you really put an effort into making things work - but it doesn't work if it's one-sided. People are just lazy sometimes and seek (immediate gratification)?
That didn't make much sense, but anywhos. I miss basketball season already! When will I get to sweat my butt off with buds? :| Running around the neighbourhood for an hour isn't really fun. Sigh. I guess I only have golf to look forward too :S Oh dear, haven't played for over three months because of the horrid weather. And I don't even sweat when I play. Not hardcore enough obviously.
So today, Ms. Cowley and her AP brochure convinced me to take AP Lit next year - if we finish super early in January, I think it's worth it to take it and get it over with - save money for first year university english courses and channel more energy into my other AP courses: AP Art History and AP Studio Design - both extremely important! Gosh, I am so ready to go to Emily Carr oh man oh boy oh geez, I hope I can get a scholarship!! I have to make an appointment with Mr. Chan soon to talk about scholarships and AP course-related shite. :\ I'm so lazy.
I worked with Anna, Keith and Phuong today at the library after my golf lesson to finish the silly Lit project about Paradise Lost... Our poem is a little fail but getting there! :P I like how quiet the library is. Very calming - unless you're stressing out about iambic pentameter and oxymorons/paradoxes and inversion of majaestic/sonorous language. Whew.
I do think that's plenty of talking for today!!

I'm a cutie... Or was a cutie... Don'tcha know it. :) Never hurts to be a narc on your own blog. Har har har.
End Rant.
Okay well I'm quite excited for tomorrow, this huge, awesome, hopefully-wont-go-wrong shopping adventure :D. I should be working on the three projects that are looming behind me, due next week, aiya. But I am going to suck it up and work my ass off Saturday and Sunday because I am sure I'll be supremely worn out on Friday from all the fun bahahaha.
Anywhos, the weather's been great lately which puts a smile on my face by itself. And I've also been drinking a lot of water lately at night - which is good, but also unfortunate because I have to get up in the middle of the night to make a trip to the washroom. Oh wells.
I wish I still hung out with other people more. I miss our little group from grade 8. :| But whats the point reminiscing yah? Sad as it is, it's just how things are - unless you really put an effort into making things work - but it doesn't work if it's one-sided. People are just lazy sometimes and seek (immediate gratification)?
That didn't make much sense, but anywhos. I miss basketball season already! When will I get to sweat my butt off with buds? :| Running around the neighbourhood for an hour isn't really fun. Sigh. I guess I only have golf to look forward too :S Oh dear, haven't played for over three months because of the horrid weather. And I don't even sweat when I play. Not hardcore enough obviously.
So today, Ms. Cowley and her AP brochure convinced me to take AP Lit next year - if we finish super early in January, I think it's worth it to take it and get it over with - save money for first year university english courses and channel more energy into my other AP courses: AP Art History and AP Studio Design - both extremely important! Gosh, I am so ready to go to Emily Carr oh man oh boy oh geez, I hope I can get a scholarship!! I have to make an appointment with Mr. Chan soon to talk about scholarships and AP course-related shite. :\ I'm so lazy.
I worked with Anna, Keith and Phuong today at the library after my golf lesson to finish the silly Lit project about Paradise Lost... Our poem is a little fail but getting there! :P I like how quiet the library is. Very calming - unless you're stressing out about iambic pentameter and oxymorons/paradoxes and inversion of majaestic/sonorous language. Whew.
I do think that's plenty of talking for today!!
I'm a cutie... Or was a cutie... Don'tcha know it. :) Never hurts to be a narc on your own blog. Har har har.
End Rant.
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