Lunch was rather interesting.
After lunch, we went to do a little craft making, and we ended up making these "hats"... Which we decided would try and attract attention towards the deinvidualization and depersonalization of our changing society. Some business lady and her coworkers asked me if I was supposed to be a boat. Quite hilarious. :P We bumped into Zoe Micelli on the bus home! She asked if I was a castle and if Fiona was the princess. Man. Priceless.
I'm glad many people had different reactions and interpretation of our "public performance". Some gave us the "wtf look", others would cheer and honk for us, some would take sneaky pictures of us on their iPhones while in their cars, and some would just ask straight up "HAHAHA-what's the hat for? HAHAHA". It was an indescribable experience. Never have I felt so courageous and liberated! It's an odd feeling, making a statement and having people notice it. A borderline hazardous feeling, I believe.
But I absolutely loved it.
And I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! If you hear anything about some public disturbance or psychos downtown (possibly cackling potheads) that might be us. We might even end up in the May school newspaper... Oh god. I'm sure our pictures will circulate for a few days on blogs and sporadically through online messaging, I'm sure we turned a few heads and our story was told to families + friends. Har har har, or at least I'd like to think so.
No, we are not associated in any way, shape or form with the KKK or any illegal substances.
You lookin' kinda cute. I love downtown.
End Rant.
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