Ignoring the fact that it was boiling hot and gross-smelling in the bus from all the sweat, I got side-swiped by this old chinese man getting off and he ran over my foot with his miniature pully-luggage-case-thingy; bumped, pushed, shoved and backhanded by Koreans at least 5 times. May I add, without due apologies. Grr.
When I got off the bus, I saw the 136 Lougheed pulling up to my stop, I was late for my transfer bus - so I had to run and make a dash for it, so I blindly and stupidly ran across the street through a red light without really looking, almost got hit by this (thank god) slow silver civic, and whilst running across the street, I forgot my sunglasses were tucked and hanging from the front of my shirt, so it decided to fall off and onto the street, I was pissed and surprised so I kicked it farther up the street and picked it up near the curb (or I would've been bulldozed by cars). Smart thinkin'. Whew. All that for a fucken bus ride. I should have just waited for my mom to give me a ride at 4:00. But at least I'm alive. I'm glad, are you? :P

Sunny days just enhance the beauty in everything. :)
End Rant.
emily! stop being a dork. that's my job.