Okay well I'm quite excited for tomorrow, this huge, awesome, hopefully-wont-go-wrong shopping adventure :D. I should be working on the three projects that are looming behind me, due next week, aiya. But I am going to suck it up and work my ass off Saturday and Sunday because I am sure I'll be supremely worn out on Friday from all the fun bahahaha.
Anywhos, the weather's been great lately which puts a smile on my face by itself. And I've also been drinking a lot of water lately at night - which is good, but also unfortunate because I have to get up in the middle of the night to make a trip to the washroom. Oh wells.
I wish I still hung out with other people more. I miss our little group from grade 8. :| But whats the point reminiscing yah? Sad as it is, it's just how things are - unless you really put an effort into making things work - but it doesn't work if it's one-sided. People are just lazy sometimes and seek (immediate gratification)?
That didn't make much sense, but anywhos. I miss basketball season already! When will I get to sweat my butt off with buds? :| Running around the neighbourhood for an hour isn't really fun. Sigh. I guess I only have golf to look forward too :S Oh dear, haven't played for over three months because of the horrid weather. And I don't even sweat when I play. Not hardcore enough obviously.
So today, Ms. Cowley and her AP brochure convinced me to take AP Lit next year - if we finish super early in January, I think it's worth it to take it and get it over with - save money for first year university english courses and channel more energy into my other AP courses: AP Art History and AP Studio Design - both extremely important! Gosh, I am so ready to go to Emily Carr oh man oh boy oh geez, I hope I can get a scholarship!! I have to make an appointment with Mr. Chan soon to talk about scholarships and AP course-related shite. :\ I'm so lazy.
I worked with Anna, Keith and Phuong today at the library after my golf lesson to finish the silly Lit project about Paradise Lost... Our poem is a little fail but getting there! :P I like how quiet the library is. Very calming - unless you're stressing out about iambic pentameter and oxymorons/paradoxes and inversion of majaestic/sonorous language. Whew.
I do think that's plenty of talking for today!!
I'm a cutie... Or was a cutie... Don'tcha know it. :) Never hurts to be a narc on your own blog. Har har har.
End Rant.
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