I had work experience at the Burnaby Art Gallery prior to that, we went down to their storage areas "The Vault". I saw a genuine Picasso!! Exciting :D And a Sybil Andrews work, hurrah!
And even before that in the morning, I had brunch with Siena and Jen :) We made scrambled eggs, salad, sourdough english muffins and grapefruit. Delicious-ness. Muahahha. We spent the morning watching Paris Hilton's New BFF show.... two episodes back to back, so very sad, but we were laughing at these blonde, obsessive bimbos/idiots making themselves sound so desperate to be Paris' new "BFF" TTYN. like wtf? And stuff like "PARISTEXT..INCOMING" Christ. Makes me so angry.
Anywhos! That's about it for now, gotta go work on my japanese project now, ugh.

End Rant.
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