Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Late Night Buzz

It's late at night and I'm thinking way too much.
My stomach is growling too.

Oh, eyebags.
End Rant.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thorns always stay.

Hi ho,

I guess I gave up that posting each day. I guess you do get tired of it once in a while. Don't want to be reminded of all the crap that happens each day :P

Went to "dream street" in westwood plateau today to visit my mom's friend. Rich ass bunch. Smart ass kids. Goddamn. Amazing house. Stunning interior.

Thorns never die. They'll always, always stay.

End Rant.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Putting Snakes in Baskets

Ahh long time no see.

Well, it's been hectic since spring break: AI work experience downtown, catching up from homework I missed all week, then Burnaby Art Gallery work experience, and catching up from homework I missed from THAT. Then, on top of that, golf season kicking in, so I spend at least 5 hours a week on that, Literature portfolio due by the end of April, my monthly art project due by the end of April as well, my brother's theory exam that I'm responsible for him passing in, trying to jam in an hour of piano time each day (which really isn't happening), worrying and debating about Columbia's summer NYC art program (which will DEFINITELY NOT HAPPEN because I can't fucking muster up 4 grand for that awesome shit. Which makes me so depressed.) and then piled onto that huge heap of stressful-ness: my parents finally filing a long overdue divorce - in which I must be the messenger between the bickering two. DEEP SIGH. DEEP FUCKEN SIGH.


I actually can't wait until the Easter long weekend, which I will catch up on more sleep, but STILL WORK ON THAT DAM JAPANESE PROJECT. GODFUCKINGDAMN.

That makes me feel better. Thanks Blogspot. :)

End Rant.