Friday, January 30, 2009

Cheap and Cheerful

I spent half an hour listening to remixes of The Kills - Cheap and Cheerful, why are they so good!
Can't talk much, must get working on art!!

But before I leave, here is today's picture:

A little self-promotion? :P

End Rant.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Melt My Heart To Stone

Does having a laptop on your stomach affect you in any way....? Does it give off radiation!?!?!?! Will it destroy my reproductive system!?!?!??!?! PANIC PANIC PANIC!! But I'm so lazy... I don't want to move over to my PC hahaha. It feels so nice to lie on the bed typing away :D

Anyways, mid-terms today. I kind of stumbled through everything.... :( I kind of wished I studied a little more diligently. But oh well! What's done is done. Think no more of it yah?

Not much to document except that I went to clean this apt. building downtown. Lions. Nice place :D

Here's today's picture lads: I leave the interpretation of its meaning up to you. Wink.

End Rant.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So bloody tired.

I am so bloody tired.

I am going to write a poem about how exhausted I am.

I am very very sleepy
I really need to go pee
yet I feel oh so lazy
because I am very very sleepy.

My legs are very sore
And MSN is a big bore
I am embarrassed about today's basketball score
And... Your mom is a whore.

My eyelids are feeling heavy
Just like lifting a Chevy
I'd name my kid Kevvy
I can't think of anything that rhymes with Kevvy.

My poem is no longer making any sense
Or maybe it's because your head is so dense
That you can't speak in the proper tense
Or jump over a kiddy fence.

This is drifting off topic
I am feeling soporific
I hope tomorrow's test is terrific
or else I'm cutting off your dick.

Here's today's picture.

End Rant. Goodnight.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We Unfortunately Don't Sell that Shade of Green

I get jealous easily. This is going to sound like The Confessions of a Closeted Scorpio. Anyways, I get jealous. Yes, who doesn't? But it's really the only vice I feel on a regular basis. I prefer it when things that I believe are mine - stay (wholly and entirely) in my possession. No sharing, no sneaking out in the middle of the night, no secrets, no naughty little endeavors. I guess I am a little possessive when it comes to belongings. Hm, belongings... that is an interesting word... to belong to someone...! Some-ONE.

Continuing my rant: what feeling is it that you get when you are aware you are jealous? To be aware of our physical symptoms usually allows ourselves to trace the path up into our dark little psychological corner (do I sound like Freud yet?) of suppressed or contained feelings. I guess envy dominates that dark, dusty corner of mine.

Physically, I get this almost acidic feeling in the pit of my stomach, very unsettling I know, I'm always afraid I'm experiencing an ulcer or something along those lines. Thankfully it's only overwhelming jealousy! Har har har. After that odd burning sensation in my gut, I get all light-headed and feel sharp tension in my chest. I find it fascinating how our body reacts to certain mental states. Completely astounds me.

Seethe - is a good word to describe these physical symptoms of envy. It takes me quite a few deep breaths to rid that unpleasant feeling. I don't enjoy being envious for your information. It's a very unwanted emotion that I experience frequently. How unfortunate. I sound so fucking cynical right now hahaha. Oh well, this is a blog, no? Read what you will. If you feel as if my negative energy is harshing on your mellow...then fuck off princess. I never get the opportunity to rant, vent, complain, whine to anybody properly. Give me a break ladies and gentlemen. I am a little emo on the inside. :P

Us Scorpios are supposed to be (typically) INTENSE. Erm, I'm pretty chillaxed myself but sometimes I wonder if I just push back all this powerful/negative/driving energy??? I don't really believe in astrology/horoscopes, but sometimes I really do wonder because some key words I've read over numerous astrological reports over the years reflect some of my (hidden) characteristics. What the fuuuuck am I even talking about anymore.... I don't trust people easily, I do hold grudges, I am vengeful at times and so forth... Do all of these things add up to "intense"? Is intense even a proper word to describe a person? I'd imagine an intense person to be quite standoff-ish and snobby. Oh gawd, am I? Oh man, I don't make any sense at all. I'm just thinking about that one person. Damn.

I'm actually putting off homework to type this haha, I can't concentrate on anything until I finish analyzing myself. I am feeling increasingly reliant on writing to relieve stress, it actually works! Thanks Dr. Tran :P Har har har.

WOW I spent too much time on this, I should finish up my Art History page and 10-minute drawings for Ms John... Okee Dokes, here's today random picture:

It's really random, I know, but interesting, no? :\

End Rant.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Honey Honey

Ophelia drowning, I havent taken a picture of the actual complete piece because Ms. McChesney still has it for marking. -__-" I really hope I will get a good mark!

What bra size do you reckon she is? Dang. Bigger than Siena's and my own. *Whistle*

Man I'm so tired. Chain yawning like crazy. I'm out.

End Rant.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Who Wants To Be Right As Rain?

Today is such a nice day, too bad I have to be stuck inside doing homework (or attempting to). I drove around today on main roads. Scary. I'm going 60+ and there're still dickheads on my bumper.

Doing a poster on Addiction and its subcontext. My planning drawing is a little messy, but basically conveys the message I want, I believe.

Hopefully I can pull off the same effect with India Ink. I really suck at painting, I hope I don't mess this one up... I really need some good stuff for my portfolio. Emily Carr Emily Carr Emily Carr...!!! It's looking okay so far on the actual good copy. I need new photos though, I'm getting tired of drawing myself - a silly asian girl. Bahahaha.

Anyways, maybe I should post one picture a day, give me some incentive to search for interesting things in my surroundings. Nobody reads this but I guess it's a little document for myself. Whoever's out there..... Don't steal my images! :( I'm a poor, starving artist, please give me a little credit.

End Rant.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Little Tornado.

Blahhhh I had my piano exam today. So nervousshakeyanxiousbubblyimpatientexcitedtensescaredintense whew.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Train Song - Feist and Ben Gibbard (Lyrics)

Traveling north,
traveling north to find you
dreaming of speed and wind in my eyes
don't even know what I 'll find when I get to you
call out your name, but don't be surprised.
It's so many miles and so long since I left you
don't even know what I 'll find when I get to you
but suddenly now, I know where I belong
it's many hundred miles and it wont be long...

Nothing at all in my head to say to you
only the beat of the train I'm on
nothing I've learned all my life on my way to you
one day our love, was over and gone
its so many miles and so long since I met you
dont even know what I'll say when i get to you
but suddenly now, I know where I belong
it's many hundred miles and it won't be long.

What will I do if there's someone there with you
maybe, someone you've always known
how do I know I can call and give to you
love with no warning can find you alone.
It's so many miles and so many miles since I met you
don't even know what I'll find when I get to you
but suddenly now, I know where I belong
many hundred miles and it won't be long.

It won't be long
it won't be long
it won't be long...

Trying this baby out.

Wham! I am so bored, I should be practicing for my piano exam which is tomorrow... Way to procrastinate! I get cold feet just thinking about these damn examinations.

Anyways.... I'm not even sure why I created this blog. Probably to write random things that some to mind... But I'm sure it'll eventually turn into a site where I post my artwork freely for shameless self-promotion har har har.

I wish I had more time to draw. More time to wander aimlessly taking pictures, more time with friends, more time for meaningful conversations.

But unfortunately, asian-style child-rearing and my unconscious drive to do well in school overrides all these empty wishes.

I have to make time for these things. I better take some time management course.
But first, I need a job if I want to sign up for anything! And I don't have a job. Quite depressing.
I feel lke a true starving artist. Except that nobody will buy my work HAHA, not that I want to sell it anyways. I'm just contradicting myself.

Moving on, I like rambling on these things, who the hell reads this anyways? And if you do, it probably just confuses the shit outta yer.


End rant.