Sunday, January 25, 2009

Who Wants To Be Right As Rain?

Today is such a nice day, too bad I have to be stuck inside doing homework (or attempting to). I drove around today on main roads. Scary. I'm going 60+ and there're still dickheads on my bumper.

Doing a poster on Addiction and its subcontext. My planning drawing is a little messy, but basically conveys the message I want, I believe.

Hopefully I can pull off the same effect with India Ink. I really suck at painting, I hope I don't mess this one up... I really need some good stuff for my portfolio. Emily Carr Emily Carr Emily Carr...!!! It's looking okay so far on the actual good copy. I need new photos though, I'm getting tired of drawing myself - a silly asian girl. Bahahaha.

Anyways, maybe I should post one picture a day, give me some incentive to search for interesting things in my surroundings. Nobody reads this but I guess it's a little document for myself. Whoever's out there..... Don't steal my images! :( I'm a poor, starving artist, please give me a little credit.

End Rant.

1 comment:

  1. your face looks like chocolate + vanilla swirl ice cream =) which they don't have at mcdonalds anymore....
