All I did there was golf, shop, eat and sleep. :)
The first day, man 8 hour drive starting at 5:30 a.m. ... We stop at Denny's half way through for a quick breakfast. Scary. Denn'ys is a scary place mang. Quite a few big, black folks eating there. Nothing is small in Oregon, I'm sorry. It's freaky. I lost my appetite almost immediately. :( Haha, but we were the only asians with one white guy in the entire restaurant and all the black folks were staring at us :P Muahahahaha. I loaded up on Tabasco with my breakfast salad in attempts to a) Wake e up, b)Induce a pounding headache that will allow me to sleep for the rest of the ride. Option b) occured.
Legs were so wobbly after the longass car ride. The longer I sat in that tiny little blue Corolla, the more pancake-like my ass felt.
Anyways, we're really lucky our hotel view is FUCKING GORGEOUS. Not to mention an awesome and breathtaking sunset view!!!!! I love the ocean.
I bought a bunch of shirts at an outlet and a super nice windbreak for only 10 dollars! :D Hurrayyy and NO TAX. Even more HURRAY.
I was watching TV one day, and apparently, Australia has these "meter maids" Hot chicks that go around feeding parking meters to save people from getting parking tickets..... Oh la la. ;)
Anyways! Lots of golf, I got a glove tan unfortunately... We went to this seafood restaurant at least 5 times during our stay, called Mo's. IT'S EPIC. SO EPIC.
So fucking delicious. I must take my friends there one day! :)
I developed this incessant need to eat salad every single meal. I have no idea why, But I deduce it's the large obese population that I see everyday that stirs this urge in me.
I'm gonna mis the hotel rec room too: pool table, ping pong table, indoor/outdoor pool, jacuzzi. Damn. It started to hail one time when we were in the jacuzzi, kinda hurt when my brother and I were running back inside hahahahha. Good times.
Oh Oregon, I'll miss you so muchachos! Maybe next time I'll go back in the summer :) Perhaps, with more company. Hurrah!
Now, I must try and teach myself HTML + CSS for work experience over at AI starting Monday. I stil won't see you folks at school until Friday!! D:
That's all for now. I miss a lot of you guys. And sorry I didn't get you any souveniers... I was a little selfish regarding the cash flow :P I mean, I did buy something from Coach.... Har har har.
End Rant.