Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I'm finished my AP EXAMMM. I know. it's just psych,. Fuck you, it was hard to study for.
Anyways. I feel like I have a lot I can do now! I even had the energy to lcean up the garden, and I am currently trying to clean up the living room which was basically my studying station for the past week.
BAG work exp is over now too. Man that was some fun shit.

anyways! back to some spring cleaning :)

End Rant.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Heartless to be Strong

About time I made a post.
Audrey Kawasaki, Loveariel, Alex Pardee..... My bloody inspiration. I`m so glad I stumbled upon these absolutely amazing, awe-inspiring artists. They make me want to work BIG. BIG AND BOLD. And totally explore the everyday juxtapositions and contradictions in life. Man. I love it. After AP`S, I`m going to start on a big one. BIG one. :) And hopefully I can sell off all my posters soon. 15 left.

Back to studying for psych.... 4 or 5 here I come!

End Rant.